In today's progressively competitive environment, increasing the quality and performance has become a necessity for market continuity. Lightness in vehicles saves time and energy as long as the durability is not compromised. Corrugated polypropylene sheets are superior performance products for use in lightweight systems with their durable and lightweight designs.
Roplast manufactures special packaging products in very large range. Packaged or unpackaged products are transported by these systems. You can use them in heavy industriel areas or smaller trade business.
The strongest speciality of plastic is geting powerfull protection. Also, the systems are reusable and printable. Due to it has got impact resistance, containers and packaging systems are realy strong. Roplast container is an ideal cubic meter bin that which incorporates a board liner with thermoformed plastic pallet base and lid.
Bulk bin metarial handling systems can be designed to suit cutomer needs.
Special advantages;
- Design a customized automatic lock bottom box that meets your dimensional, load and stacking requirments.
- Produce samples of the box to test under existing operating conditions.
- Perform cost analysis for existing purchase patterns and savings analysis from conversion.
- Generate an optimization box quantity analysis.
- Develop custom finance programs to meet your budgeting requirements.
Corrugated plastic seperators have advantages for manufactureres in textile sector. They are used for packing as bobbin gap seperators at the same time they keep prodıcts in safe during their transportation. As they are durable and light, they can be used many times.
ESD (electro static discharge) is a twin walled corrugated sheet manufactured from polypropylene impact copolymer. This ESD sheet is unique due to the incorporation of a special grade of carbon black in the polymer matrix during production. This significantly changes the electrical characteristics of the sheet.
Generally, they can be used where there is an electrostatic dangers.
Besides, the box that is made from ESD polypropylene sheet, can be printed as you wish.
Integrating at special grade during the production of black carbon at plural main form causes ESD technology to be unique. This important variation changes the electrical character of the sheet.
Roplast manufactures a range of corrugated plastic boards taht are ideal for graphic and display applications.
Polypropylene twin wall sheet widely used for printing of advertisin metarial for both indoor and outdoor displays. Waterproof, durable and lightweight, board is easy to handle and extremely cost reduction. Suitable for Screen and digital printing.
The rapid development of digital multi colour printing has seen an explosion in the use of corrugated plastic sheet as temporary and permanent banner boards and advertising panel. Polypropylene sheet’s weather resistant properties together with good strenght to weight ratio provide a low cost but durable print medium. It can be printed by laser because of its corona layer. Due to the skins are smooth, films are laminated easily.
Polypropylene corrugated sheets are used to package and transport in food sector. Roplast has got certificates of food approved indications (FDA). Roplast corrugated sheet is perfect for keeping fresh. Approved food contact grade, water and mildew resistance, washable and finally, when its useful life is over, all polypropylene sheet is fully recyclable. Our new ‘Sealed Edge System’ packaging is also now available and ideal protection against contamination or where improved thermal insulation is required.
It is the most important issue at sea products packaging and transporting is resistance for bacteria and moisture. For this reason, the protection can not be supplied by paper boxes. If you request your products to remain fresh, you can use plastic corrugated boxes easily.
Corrugated plastic boxes have been designed with heat sealed edges and the fibre free, flueted polypropylene results in a strong, yet extremely lightweight and most importantly hygienic pack.
Roplast manufactures a range of plastic sheet products that are used widely in the building and construction industry.
Corrugated boards are ideal for protection of floor, cement, water and stones because of lightness and resistance. They are formed easier than plywood. Also, you can use them as separators, wall and barriers at contruction areas.
That is a brandnew mark of strenght by the foldable smart containers are made from polypropylene which is twin wall technology.
These containers have resistance of moisture, water, chemical reactions, hard weather and impact. Lighter than any other product that is on its qualifications. Beside, you can discharge your unpacked loads without any damage because of its unloading flap.
They are collected as one on the top of the other. Therefore, you do not need extra large spaces to collect them while transporting.We will make unpacked products transporting easy by rectangle or hexagonal smart containers!
More and more food and beverage producers and fillers are turning to plastic as an essential part of their logistics assets.
Solid layer pads are available in various polymers to suit customer requirements for multi trio transport applications of heavy bottles. Corrugated sheet or layer pads are both strong and lightweight. They improve stacking efficiency anda re used for soft drink and beer bottles in multi trip applcations.
All layer pads can be in a large range of colour and can be in every sizes. They can be printed to a high standart to reflect brand image or corporate ownership.
Roplast manufactures archive boxes and bin to arrange the files, documants etc. at school, home or office. Beside, there are protecting folio, project, portfolio for students and business area. These products are both aethetic and strenght. You can make your own bag with your colour.
Plastic is one of the most hygienic packaging metarial. Because of this specification, it can be used for making sterilized room and medical areas where there must be highly hygienice. Any option but corrugated plastic can present so many usage range by these qualifications and comfort. Bacause polypropylene corrugated sheets are convenient for all types of packaging (lab tubes, phial and syringe trays etc.).
The biggest problem of agriculture is pests. But you can handle this issue by corrugated boards easily. These corrugated boards is a semi-translucent, UV grade twinwall flute. It is primarily used for creating access points in hot house applications.
The plastic boards can be formed as barrier for stocks. These barriers are resistant to UV light, chemicals, fungus and hard weather.